Saturday, September 01, 2007

Unitarian Universalist Church of Blanchard Valley, Ohio Needs YOUR Help.

The following message is from Rev. Joan Van Becelaere, Ohio-Meadville District, District Executive.


Our sister OMD congregation, the UU Church of the Blanchard Valley, in Findlay, OH, was heavily damaged by the recent floods in that part of the state.

They lost their piano, sound system, chairs, all of their RE curricula, books, and supplies in the flood waters. Checks could be made out to UU Church of Blanchard Valley, or if you can help with a donation of funds or in-kind materials, please contact:

(Please email me at for Rev. Beth Marshall's Contact info.)

Please note that Rev. Marshall's phone is being used as the primary way to contact the church during this time. The old church phone number no longer works. I'm told that the congregation was able to save their pulpit, chalice, most of their hymnals, and the coffee pots. (The minister, says she finds a bit of ironic humor in the fact that the coffee pots were salvageable.)

Rev. Marshall also notes that her congregation deeply appreciates any assistance you can give. She said: "It's easy to feel isolated out here, and yet I know that there are good colleagues and congregations out there we can depend upon."

Thank you all for your help in this time of need.

Joan Van Becelaere
OMD District Executive

For more on the flooding click here.
For the church's website click here.

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