Saturday, December 02, 2006

Socrates Returns

No, he isn't coming back from the dead, but the Socrates Café will return to our church starting January 23rd from 7-9PM. We will meet every 4th Tuesday of the month at the same time in the McKeeman room.

What is a Socrates Café? Socrates Café, technically, is a book written by Chris Phillips, author and co-founder of The Society for Philosophical Inquiry. Chris developed the idea of Socrates Café to do as Socrates did, bring philosophy to the every day individual. Since his book was published, Socrates Cafes have been appearing all over the United States and even in other countries.

Basically, a Socrates Café is a group of individuals, who like to talk. We get together and discuss what is on our minds, from something on the news that day to the age old questions. We want to learn how to think, not what to think.

The topic of conversation is chosen by the participants at each meeting, and those gathered are encouraged to explore it together in an atmosphere of mutual respect, and philosophical curiosity to gain a greater understanding.

So, Join us for coffee and discussion where good conversation is our main goal. Our tools will be listening & learning as we ask the big questions.

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